Posted Monday, September 15, 2008 by MoMO
if you can get something yourself, dont ask other's to get it for you.
if you ask other's to get it for you, dont hurry that someone.
if you hurried that someone, dont expect him/her to face you with a smile.
if you expect him/her to face you with a smile, dont be ungrateful to the things
he/her did. cause THAT someone is not your errand boy. and he/her did not get paid to do all these stuff for you. receive it with thanks and not with a ungrateful
face. no one owns you anything in this world and neither do we. so dont give me that
attitude face of your's. i dont take it.
Posted Tuesday, September 02, 2008 by MoMO
good bye the days of taking photo (photo photo photo~~~ echo)! *audrey yelling into the sky. i just cant seems to live without taking photo. i mean, taking photo of others and things. *audrey stalker i dont like taking photo of myself(too ugly to be taken) but i love taking still objects and scenery, not to mention other human beings. maybe my perfect job will be stalker. hur hur hur but recently(not too recent), my camera turn it's back against me.. throwing a temper? rebellious age?(hello? you are nothing but just a lousy 7.5 mega pixel old camera and nobody but the kind audrey bought you!) well,.. it's spoil for good. and at a good timing too. after my beloved camera goes haywire, events after another event lines up.. my friends going ns and will be holding a small celebrations(?), friend's birthday party, gatherings and sentosa etc etc. my god~ i just cant remember events without my camera. guess i have to buy a new one soon. or shall i let my sister do the buying? hur hur hur~

rest in peace, camera, you will be remembered by me always.

here lies the body of audrey's camera
year 2006~2008