well well, some great and noble person said that study and play must happen at the same time right? (erm.. audrey, who is that noble people you are talking about?) ah! never mind who said that! but we sure had a lot of fun!
in case you are not sure what are we doing, we are trying to snatch the food in front of us. and yes.. it is an empty cuo noodle.. -_- and poor kx and eli had to act greedy with me. lol! other then eating while study, we must do some exercise to wake ourself up.
and is a little(is very can!?) messy on the table. papers and all around. simplex.. duplex.. FM.. AM.. PM.. OSI.. arg..! oh fuck! cannot get in.. so gonna die.. well well.. did some noble man said that besties will tide you over whatever hardship you had? (alright.. i really want to meet that noble man..)
and hopefully we will remember the so call date in 2009.