Posted Sunday, April 23, 2006 by MoMO
class chalet
thought after the graduation we can gather for reunion. but frankly speaking, the chalet was a total failure. the only stupid chinese girl who went to that fucking chalet were kitmun, clarissa and me. and i really mean chinese girl.. not being an anti-social over here, but we felt out-casted and used. i think the only reason and purpose they invite us was to help them shoulder the fee of the chalet. the whole chalet we were sitting there rotting like no people business. on top of that, we have people accusing us of stealing his lousy phone, N70. dame it.. just because we went out during the class chalet doesnt give them the excuse to treat us like thieves. if cannot drink so much, dont drink. and when you are drunk, dont say people stole your phone when you are drunk. shit