hmm.. dunnoe why tis few days i get so tired so easily. i even fall asleep during exam!! can u believe that??
OMG! audrey.. i went home immediatly after school ytd. and i took a nap. well, i am suprise because i dun normally take a nap you see. and i sleep for 1 hour yesterday and
THREE hour today! wow.. not going to fall asleep tonite.. -_- fortunately, i dun have school for tmr. Cheers~!
today a lot of things happen. weird things i shall say. a guy came and take number from me.(we were under a block) but wat's the weird part? he kept on asking me and crystal a lot of things like "your school allow students to dye hair meh?" to crystal. so crystal doesnt seems to like wat he ask and reply "bnss teacher ask you to spy us issit? ask so much for wat." cool huh. den tis guy kept on saying smth like "i today shld go to ns de. but i quarrel wid the sir." hello? i didnt ask you that.. he add "i really doesnt have the mood ytd lorx. den i scold him bck.."
please note: it's the first day i met tis guy. y was him telling us so much abt how he is feeling and what so ever. i dun really care you noe? he ask me too much things that i cant help but to say "hello~? are you doing some kind of survey thingy? why are you asking so much?" he even tell us a story abt how a cat sleep in the exhust pipe of the super mega big truck(he say) and when they start the engine, the cat got burn.
gross... (we were playing the cat when he say that. so we go
eh.. and move away frm the cat.) he leave with a stupid reason like "i have to go home and cook. my dad's luch time."
are you sure u are doing all the cooking? i didnt ask him to stay and CHAT with me either..
den a while more, an old men at his sixties with a chubby grandson came to sit with us.
remember? we were under a block. den he kept on telling us story abt allah(god of his religion). smth like god doesnt have a figure and the story of a man who met with the god and make this conclusion. boring.. but i dun dare to say out. well, he is an elderly after all. so we jux listen to wat he have to say. he oso tell us to study hard. his child(got 6) all in big business cause they study hard. at least i learn smth. crystal came out with a reason and get us out of his conversation. i think that place is a chatting cafe. lolx. cause everyone likes to chat over there.